Tuesday 2 October 2007

Double Neck Guitar

This is a picture of Elvis with his Gibson S.G. double neck guitar. I used to have a copy S.G. standard - not a bad guitar - played it for ages but whoever decided that it would gain in some way by adding an extra neck was severely deluded! It was never the most attractive of guitars most of them seem to be a turdy reddy brown hue and the neck is a bit wide for my stubby little fingers. I played a proper one that a skinhead fella was trying to flog in the bar of the Angel hotel once (couldn't afford it, dubious origins and didn't really want one any way) so i've handled the genuine article anyhow i digress.

The fact that i wrote the song Double Neck Guitar probably says more about me than the actual instrument - it's hard enough to play a guitar with one neck and set of pots, pick-ups and switches never mind two. If you haven't heard the track check it out it's on our new c.d. but you can listen to it at various other sites - you'll have gathered by now it's not a love song.

Jimmy Page was big on this particular "axe" at one time i can't believe that someone who could have his pick of any guitar would want one, the stories about Led Zepp's party lifestyle must be true you'd have to be on drugs to choose this. Mr Page did redeem himself somewhat by using a fantastic Danelectro at odd intervals so swings and roundabouts. I've put a picture of that on to deflect the bad double neck karma but that suit he's wearing is attracting it again.

My head hurts.

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