Saturday 14 July 2007

U.K. Stiffs + Nocturnal Sunshine

Dead busy up the Griff last night with the debut gig for Warminster band Nocturnal Sunshine. They really hit the spot with churning punk rhythms containing just a hint of their ska/pop influences. The funniest thing is that the singer is the long lost younger look alike of the U.K. Stiffs singer Grant. For a first time appearance they were tight, confident, and their front man is an absolute natural performer. Great aggresive drumming and choppy guitar work go and see 'em if they are in your area.
Grant's just back from France and the Stiffs hadn't played in a while but they performed a sloppily brilliant set even though he decked a litre (he's gone metric now) of neat vodka - or so he tells me - from what appeared to be a mineral water bottle. Mmmmm.......
The place was packed and the audience was up for it from the start. Steve shrugged off his injury worries. Paul and Chris bashed out the hits of '77 in double quick time with the audience singing along if it wasn't for the local environmental health enforcement order they could have played all night.
We're on tonight with the Stripchords so come along if you can.
p.s. Grant is 50.

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